Cheers to 32

Sara MacIntosh
6 min readNov 22, 2022

It’s that time of year again.

Yes, it’s the time of the year when traditions are at their peak and food tastes the most delicious, but that’s not what I am talking about. It’s the time of the year when I list the things I have learned in my past year.

As my 33rd birthday approaches, I find myself blown away that I have been living for almost 33 years. And in years past even though I would find the silver lining I would find myself disappointed in what I didn’t experience and hopeful that the next year would surpass those hopes and dreams.

This year I find myself in a much different spot in life. In the past 365 days, I have been eye to eye with deep pain, sorrow, grief, shame, and doubt. That part wasn’t different than every other year, but the difference was how I handled it. I feel different, and I mean that in a good way.

Let me stop rambling and actually get to my reflection. Here are the 32 things I learned while 32.

Do things scared: I wanted to leave this as the last point to leave you as readers with this pivotal takeaway, but truly this is the cornerstone of this year. No matter where I am in life fear will always make an appearance and I have two choices. Let fear stop me and feel defeated and still full of fear, or do things scared. This has been a mantra I have carried with me all year and has truly brought me closer to the Lord. Leaning on His promises, truth, and words.

Though the seasons change, His love remains: These are lyrics to a worship song I find myself listening and clinging to tightly. Life happens quickly and things shift, but the Lord's love is steadfast.

Traveling is good for the soul: With my Dad working for an airline, I have grown up on planes and at this point in my life have flown probably close to 200 flights. Yes, the destinations are great, but the experience of travel brings me SO much life. This last year has been packed with more travel and flights than I ever imagined it to be. And for that, I am so grateful!

Trad climbing was life-changing: I have learned 2 new types of climbing in the last year. Lead climbing and it’s much more intimidating older brother, trad climbing. If you don’t know what trad climbing is, google it. If you do, you know that even the thought of it is daunting. I had the opportunity to go trad climbing with a good friend this year. On the way to the crag, I got really sick and was throwing up all up until I tied myself to the rope to climb. I learned so much about myself that day. It’s a day I reflect on and am incredibly proud of.

I drink far too much coffee: Not much to say to that one except that it’s true, and I am okay with it.

Laugh often: The world around me as of the last couple of years is overwhelming and a lot. Smile. Laugh. And make others do the same.

Ask for help: I don’t know why this is so looked down upon in the US culture, but just because you need help doesn’t mean you are a failure or not enough. Just do it!

Dig deep and don’t limit yourself: I started lifting with a few friends to focus on becoming stronger and lifting heavier. In less than a year I have gone from not knowing how to deadlift properly to almost pulling 300 lbs.

I might be able to test out of the first year of law school: I have lived and been blessed with a community full of law students (OFFICIALLY ALL NOW LAWYERS, THEY DID IT!) and have sat at many dinner tables talking all things law for 3 years.

Sometimes it’s the small things that make my day: The scent of soap I pick from my far too-large collection, having coffee with my roommate before she goes off to work, or even making my bed can change the day!

Dating in your 30’s is weird: Period.

I have come so far: In the last few years of my life, I feel as if I have made it to the summit of Everest multiple times. I am proud of how far I have come, but I can’t wait to see where I go.

Sitting in silence is okay: And it’s good for the mind.

I am bad at sitting in silence: I am working on that.

I have become guarded: This is equally bad as it is good. I don’t want to leave out the hard or difficult things I learned this year, because that is lame and shows a terrible picture of what life looks like. Life is messy, and that is okay. It’s all about being aware, learning, and growing. But being guarded is making publicly writing this blog this year difficult. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

I always feel encouraged after I read the Bible and pray: This is not a new lesson, but one I was reminded of this year.

I have a lot to offer: Confidence is something I am working on this year, and during that journey, I have a lot to learn but I also have a lot to offer.

The climbing gym is my safe place: I go to the gym so often that I know all the staff and most regulars now. If I need somewhere to go, I know I am always welcome there, always.

Last-minute plans are life-giving: And they tend to fill my need for adventure.

True crime is addictive: I have watched and listened to an absurd amount of true crime this year. I also now check my back seat at night before I drive away.

Calling my parent often is important: Even if it is for a few minutes I have noticed that my relationships with my parents are stronger than ever.

I learned how to make reactions on Slack: One of my professional highlights

The Lord knows better than I do: I would have never ended up where I am in life right now without the Lord. And for the first time in a long time, I am THRIVING!

Hand care is important: As a climber, I have become OBSESSED with making sure my hands are taken care of. Bad hands = no climbing. No climbing = pure misery.

Dog sitting at a beach house for 2.5 weeks with your roommate is the move: We lived our best life. 10/10 recommend.

Watching your people do big things is life-giving: I had the honor of watching some of my closest friends graduate law school, then got to celebrate them passing the bar. I am so so proud of them!

Take pictures: I just found myself looking through pictures of this last year and was reminded of how wonderful life has been. But also of that time that I hit a parked car. MY BAD!

You can’t buy snow shovels in Virginia Beach: This is true. However, the nice manager at Home Depot gave me their store snow shovel so I could help dig people out and shovel driveways.

People are for me: This was a big and powerful lesson. For that I am GRATEFUL!

Running out of gas in a full-size pick-up is not fun: Just fill the dang truck up, Sara!

Eating a scorpion pepper was stupid: But I would probably do it again.

Be grateful: In the highs and the lows, there is SO much to be grateful for!

Well, there it is. 32 lessons I learned in year 32. Cheers to the next year!

